The present categorization of COVID-19 as a socially critical disease will end by September 10th. The Danish government has decided not to continue this categorization. The special COVID-19 rules can be dropped because the epidemic is under control and Denmark has record-high vaccination rates. At DanFish International 2021, therefore, there will basically be no statutory restrictions that must be followed.

There will, however, still be travel restrictions in relation to entry into Denmark.

At you can read more and keep up to date:


Various rules apply to travels to Denmark depending on how you arrive in Denmark and your ties with or your purpose of entering Denmark. Read more here >>


The Danish travel restrictions classify all countries and regions into four colour categories: green, yellow, orange and red. These categories determine which rules apply to you. The colours of countries and regions are revised on a weekly basis and are based on objective criteria and the health situation in the relevant countries/regions. Read more here >>

Important – entry rules for RUSSIAN CITIZENS and other countries categorized as orange, who are not vaccinated with the vaccines approved in the EU:

1. You are required to take a COVID-19 test at the airport after entry to Denmark

2. You are required to have a worthy purpose for entry to Denmark
A worthy purpose is attending meetings etc. as part of your job. Meetings at DanFish will, according to the Danish authorities, be considered a worthy purpose. Bring as much relevant proof of the meetings as possible, such documentation of meetings, contact details of contact person for the meeting, employment contract or other documentation of your job being relevant for the meetings in question

3. You are required to isolate for 10 days after entry. BUT you may break the isolation if:
a. You visit DanFish on official business i.e., if you attend the fair to hold meetings with business relations, customers, suppliers etc. Bring as much relevant proof as possible.
b. You obtain a negative PCR test no earlier than on the fourth day after entry

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